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Humanitarian Playlist


Inspired by love songs for mankind, and the words of Christ telling us to “love one another”. And the words of the ancient biblical prophet Micah “God has told you humans what is good, and what the Lord requires of you, is to do justice, to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God” - although you don’t need to be a Christian to listen, this playlist should inspire all to reflect, and appreciate the deep unity we share as the human race, listen and allow your mind to reach peace and brotherly [or sisterly] affection for your fellow humans.

Creator: Ama Antwi-Saki (Sociology and Human Rights)

1. Colours of The Wind (From Pocahontas) - [Original or Tori Kelly Version]

Our first pick speaks to the nature of removing stigma, focusing on our similarities rather than our differences. Bonding over what is shared bringing feelings of unity, gratitude and brotherhood [or sisterhood].

2. What the World Needs Now is Love - Dionne Warwick

Love for one another, care for each-other despite differences, and nurture each other’s wounds, “what the world needs now is love, sweet love, no not just for some, but for everyone” a simple message, for a greater world. Devoid of racial injustice and inequality, it begins with love, empathy, acceptance.

3. We Are The World - U.S.A for Africa

We Are The World is another simplistic reminder as to why inequality and injustice ought to be systemically dismantled and removed, they are man made and ultimately can be destroyed because we are the world. And we create the better conditions for a fairer, more equitable and equal society.

4. Kill em With Kindness - Selena Gomez

Peaceful protests can be just as powerful, and more effective than violence - Selena’s “Kill em With Kindness” is a timely reminder of this fact. “The world can be a nasty place, you know it, I know it, yeah. We don’t have to fall from grace - put down the weapons you fight with, and kill em with kindness”.

5. Hold On - by Justin Bieber

“Take my hand and hold on” Bieber reminds us of how brotherly [and sisterly] understanding, gentleness, guidance, patience and affection goes a long way. Without understanding one another, and having the patience to guide and listen we won’t be humanity.





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