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The Handmaids Tale [TV Recommendation]


The Handmaids Tale TV Review and Recommendation.

Written by: Ama Antwi-Saki (Sociology & Human Rights)

"Nolite Te Bastardes Carborundorum" Offred.

Margaret Atwood's, "Handmaid's Tale" screen adaptation is nothing short of terrifying. On first watch I felt shaken to my core, blue, grey, numb, speechless and afraid that this wasn't too far-fetched of a concept.

In the Hulu Series, also available on Amazon Prime UK - we follow the story of 'Offred the 2nd' aka June, from the demise of the USA to the total collapse of women's rights and the reversal of women's emancipation. Through real world events such as climate change, pollution, radiation, ecosystems collapsing and disease the world finds a shortage of successful pregnancies, and fertile women - which allows for the rise of 'Gilead' a fringe christian fanatical political group who use a programme of 'Handmaids' (fertile women) to repopulate the U.S.

I recommend this TV show for all sexes, it highlights the struggles of women both past and present - globally. How society controls and oppresses women from ideology, standards, stigma and social 'norms'. Watch and become shocked and horrified, and rejoice for the emancipation of women - and advocate for their further emancipation.


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