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The New Captain America: Falcon and Winter Soldier [TV Recommendation]

Falcon and Winter Soldier - TV review and recommendation.

Written by: Ama Antwi-Saki (Sociology and Human Rights)

Disney’s new tv series ‘Falcon and Winter Soldier’ deals with the aftermath of the fictitious death of ‘Captain America’ and finding his replacement. The position was originally given ignorantly to a black man without thought of the social divisions and implications of Black man holding the iconic shield - as a result the government find their own blonde hair blue eyed saviour for the nation, whilst the fictitious Falcon journeys internally to finally accept the role. The series delves into deep seeded bias, prejudice and racism, uncovering secrets of a Black super soldier who was tortured for decades, and in the end understanding the history and weight of the symbolism of carrying the shield, ‘Sam’ [the Falcon] decides he is worthy - and will hold the shield to represent new hope for the black community as well as a new age for America. In the final speech he explains he has no super soldier serum, no blue eyes or blonde hair, he’s simply a black man who is worthy of wielding the shield and being captain America. It’s a powerful piece on bias, prejudice and the need for change, through symbolism and representation. Highly recommended to INECO listeners - find this 6 part series on Disney plus.


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